Posts tagged pg4
February 26, 2021 -Toronto Star

Doctors, caregivers push for in-home COVID-19 vaccinations for housebound seniors

Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA and Dr. Nathan Stall, Associate Fellow at the NIA, spoke about the need to vaccinate homebound older adults. Some geriatricians are also dismissing the suggestion that unique storage and handling requirements prevent home-based deployment of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, both often described as delicate and tricky to transport.


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February 25, 2021 – Zoomer Radio

Vaccinating Ontarians over 80

Ontarians over 80 years of age can now expect to start getting vaccinated by the third week of March. But, older adults are still pretty much left in the dark about how the rollout will happen. So, where do we go from here? Libby Znaimer is joined by Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA.


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February 24, 2021 - The Globe and Mail

Ontario won’t launch COVID-19 vaccination booking system until March 15

By: Laura Stone

Samir Sinha, director of geriatrics at Mount Sinai and the University Health Network hospitals in Toronto, called on the province to move much faster to vaccinate people over 60, who represent 96 per cent of deaths from COVID-19, ahead of other groups such as essential workers.

“With variants of concern that are circulating around and becoming the dominant strain, we’re really worried that we’re going to lose a lot more older people along the way,” Dr. Sinha said.


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February 24, 2021 – QP Briefing

For-profit LTC ownership a significant factor in second-wave deaths: Government analysis

The next step the government and the for-profit long-term care sector should take is acknowledging that the research signifies a problem, said Dr. Nathan Stall, Associate Fellow at the NIA and the lead author of the wave one study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

"Let's look at the sector with a deep dive, let's strive to improve quality within our homes so that we can actually save lives and improve the care that we're providing residents," said Stall.


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February 23, 2021 – Toronto Star

Tale of two vaccine roll-outs: COVID-19 numbers plummet in Toronto’s long-term-care homes, while Ontario’s remain ‘stubbornly high’

By: Jennifer Pagliaro

While the situation in Toronto is a good news story, said Dr. Samir Sinha, the director of health policy research at the NIA in Toronto, there have been delays in getting the rest of the province’s vulnerable seniors vaccinated.


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February 23, 2021 – CBC The National

Seniors living at home anxiously await COVID-19 vaccines

Seniors who live independently, as well as their families and doctors, say they've been overlooked in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout as they anxiously wait to find out when it will be their turn to get a shot. Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA joins CBC The National.


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February 23, 2021 – CBC News

Frustration grows among seniors and caregivers over Ontario's COVID-19 vaccine rollout

By: Perlita Stroh

Dr. Samir Sinha, director of health policy research at the NIA has been advocating for the Ontario government to change course and he's grateful it has, but he adds that seniors living in their homes should have been closer to the front of the line for inoculations from the beginning.

"This is absolutely the right thing to do, and it's frankly long overdue," Dr. Sinha said. "Age is the greatest risk factor for getting sick and dying from COVID-19, so that needs to be considered when administering vaccines."


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February 23, 2021 – Global News

Should all seniors get the COVID-19 vaccine before essential workers?

By: Jacquline LeBei

Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA says that regardless of if the goal is to prevent deaths, lessen the strain on the health-care system or reopen the economy, the approach should be the same: vaccinate seniors first.


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February 22, 2021 – The Tyee

What Will Canada Do to Fix Its Senior Care Fail?

By: Christopher Guly

Dr. Samir Sinha, director of health policy research at the NIA said that the amount Canada spends on publicly funded long-term care is one-third less than the average by the 37 member countries of the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development.

He said more money, too, should go to supporting frail people at home. “We also spend a disproportionate amount of our dollars — 87 cents of every dollar — to warehouse people in care homes as opposed to supporting them in their homes. In the average OECD country, a third of their spending goes toward the provision of home and community care — or about three times more than what we spend,” he explained.


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February 19, 2021 – CBC News

Why proper home care should be a cornerstone of how our health system looks after seniors

By: Elizabeth Niedra

Home care also matters for the happiness and well-being of patients. According to a recent report from the National Institute on Aging, nearly all older people surveyed in Ontario would prefer to age in their own home rather than in a care facility.


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February 18, 2021 - @Risk Podcast

Talkin’ ‘bout Generation Risk Profile‪s

Jodi Butts is joined by Dr. Samir Sinha, geriatrician and Health Policy Research Director for the National Institute on Ageing, and Vass Bednar, Executive Director of McMaster University’s Master of Public Policy Program, to discuss the policy opportunities for improving the risk profiles of older Canadians and Millennials.


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February 15, 2021 – CBC News

Geriatrician on urgency to get seniors vaccinated

The CBC's Chris Glover speaks to Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA who argues that it's of the utmost urgency to get all Ontario's seniors vaccinated, irrespective of where they live, not just because it's a moral responsibility — but also because it will hugely benefit wider society.


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