February 2025

Do Voters Still Care About Hallway Medicine?

The Agenda with Steve Paikin - TVO

Life in Retirement: We need a little good news

Red Deer Advovate

A quarter of seniors have $5,000 or less saved for retirement: survey

Canadian Affairs

Do you know where your retirement money is? Study finds thousands have forgotten pensions


Scientists find a key to longer, healthier lives for older adults


With millions of Canadians unprepared for retirement, what can advisors do?

Wealth Professional

Understanding the complex challenges faced by Canada’s aging population

The Hill Times

Should Canada follow the UK’s lead on social care?

Canadian Affairs

Cost of Living with Paul Haavardsrud


January 2025

Canadian retirement readiness little improved: NIA


Exercise supports healthy aging — and more older adults need to get moving, report says

McKnights Long-Term Care News

Seniors face challenges accessing home care, NIA report says

Global News

More older adults are living in poverty than Canada’s official numbers suggest, new research

Toronto Star

A quarter of Canadians over 50 have $5K or less in retirement savings

Wealth Professional

Can Canada's elders thrive? New data says...

Benefits and Pension Monitor

Seniors face challenges accessing home care, NIA report says

Global News

Ontario lacks initiatives for small long-term care home development: report


Stop 'warehousing' seniors and build small homes for long-term care: aging institute

Canadian Press

Alberta urged to move ahead with publicly funded small care homes



Zoomer Radio

Green House Podcast: Elevate Eldercare

The Greenhouse Project

CPP ‘money-back guarantee’ for early death could eliminate breakeven bias


CPP ‘money-back guarantee’ for early death could eliminate breakeven bias

Investment Executive

HARDING: Canadians are leaving pension money on the table, CPP needs simple reforms

Winnipeg Sun

Just Asking with Saroja Coelho

CBC Listen

December 2024

Helping seniors combat loneliness this holiday season

CityNews Vancouver

NIA addressing issue of missing pension plan members with new report

Benefits Canada

$3.6 billion in pensions left unclaimed in Canada


AGE-WELL announces new research projects to support healthy aging for Canadians

Age Well

Thousands of Toronto residents are eligible for Old Age Security but not getting it. Here’s why

Toronto Star

Feds’ decision to transfer $1.9BN public pension surplus to general revenue within its purview: expert

Benefits Canada

Its time for Canadian veterans’ programs and services to reflect a new generation of vets

Prince Albert Daily Herald

Ontario advocates say more home care is solution to hallway medicine


Aging Canada 2040 report: Lack of services, housing and funds make aging in place challenging for Canadians


November 2024

Help your clients get past their present bias


Canada needs a strategy to better support aging veterans with increasingly complex physical and mental health challenges

Calgary Gaurdian

The silent epidemic: The growing crisis of loneliness in Canada’s seniors

The Forefront

Canada needs a strategy to better support aging veterans with increasingly complex physical and mental health challenges

Prince Albert Herald

Remembrance Day

Fight Back with Libby Znaimer

Le Canada a besoin d’une stratégie pour mieux soutenir ses vétérans vieillissants

Le Devoir

Opinion: Canada's aging veterans have increasingly complex health challenges. They need more support

Ottawa Citizen

The trauma of serving: Canada’s aging veterans are often troubled and need help they aren’t getting

Toronto Star

‘I just wanted to work again’: Finding a new job in your 50s comes with extra hurdles

Financial Post

Baycrest launching online resource tool to support caregivers


OPINION: We can do more to reduce influenza deaths among older Canadians

Toronto Sun

October 2024

New NIA report reveals why Canadians claim CPP/QPP too early


Ottawa Should Clarify Messaging Around CPP/QPP for Better Outcomes Urges NIA

Wealth Professional

Alzheimer Society supports advance MAID requests, but also good dementia care

CTV News

National Seniors Day – celebrating older adults and their contributions to society

The Globe and Mail

Alberta to cover pricey RSV vaccine for some older people


Reframing Retirement Savings: Shifting from Investing to Income

Morning Star

Liberal dilemma: should baby boomers get more government money? | About That


Episode 6: CPP and your retirement security

OMERS Pension Blueprint Podcast

Priced out of rental market, Ontario senior lives in her shed

CTV News

A 101-year-old former doctor who worked until he was 85 shared his 3 longevity secrets — including eating sardines

Yahoo! Life

Ottawa patients continue to face longer than average emergency waits

Ottawa Citizen

Retiring early hurts financial resiliency, Manulife survey shows

The Globe and Mail

Report details confusion and 'risky' efforts to move care home residents during 2023 Yellowknife evacuation

CBC North

September 2024

Shaye Ganam Show

Global News Radio

Why many Canadians have a ‘gambler’s mentality’ when taking their CPP benefits

The Globe and Mail

Weekend Reading: Retirement Mistakes To Avoid Edition


A boon or a burden?

Australian Ageing Agenda

Zoomer Week in Review - September 15 2024- Athletic Fundraising Events vs. Traditional Galas & When Is It The Right Time To Take Your CPP?

Zoomer Radio

Should Canadian seniors get the RSV vaccine? What the latest study says about cost and benefits

Yahoo! News

August 2024

Tailor Made retirement Plans

Canadian Auto Dealer


Time to get your eyes checked: Vision loss among growing list of risk factors for dementia, study says



China plans to raise retirement age. Could it happen in Canada?

Global News


Why financial planning is critical for Canadians who want to age at home

The Globe and Mail


What can the Canadian pension industry learn from U.S. CAP litigation?

Benefits Canada


Skydiving at 80. CN Tower Edgewalk at 94. Bailing from a hot air balloon at 93. Inside the adrenaline-soaked world of senior thrill seekers

Toronto Star


Lowering the age for public pension eligibility reduces senior poverty rates: report

Financial Post


New Dementia Risk Factors Identified

CTV Your Morning


Early pension claiming benefits low-income seniors, says report



Southlake opens new acute care of the elderly unit

Southlake Regional Health Centre