Shingles Awareness Week

Join Dr. Samir Sinha and Dr. Vivien Brown this Shingles Awareness Week, to address the significant issue of shingles infections in older Canadians. Over 90,000 new cases occur annually among those aged 50+, costing the health care system $67-82 million yearly. Despite the availability of effective vaccines, only 38.8% of Canadians aged 50+ are vaccinated, leaving many at risk for severe complications. This webinar will cover the health impacts of shingles, policy recommendations to improve vaccine uptake, and practical steps to enhance awareness and access.

Reducing Your Risk of Dementia: Evidence-Based Advice for Canadians of All Ages and Health Professionals

Featuring Dr. Samir Sinha (NIA) and Dr. Serge Gauthier (McGill University), this session will share the latest dementia research, practical strategies for reducing risk at every life stage, and actionable insights for healthcare providers.

Perspectives on Growing Older in Canada: The 2024 NIA Ageing in Canada Survey

This landmark survey explores the evolving realities of Canadians aged 50+ and provides essential insights into their attitudes, challenges, and experiences.

The survey, now in its third year, reveals critical findings, including:

  • One in three older Canadians (32%) report strong social networks, while 36% experience weak networks, particularly among those in poor health or facing financial struggles.

  • One in three working Canadians aged 50 and older believe they will be able to afford to retire when they want to.

  • Only 48% of Canadians aged 50 and older requiring home care received the services they needed most of the time in 2024, underscoring significant barriers in community-based care.

Closing the Gap in Pneumococcal Vaccination for Older Adults: What You Need to Know

Despite the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) setting a target of 80% pneumococcal vaccination coverage for older adults, only 54.7% of Canadians aged 65 and older had been vaccinated as of 2023. Pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death and hospitalizations in older Canadians. While children under the age of two have achieved higher vaccination rates, older adults remain at greater risk.

Join Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at the National Institute on Ageing, and Dr. Jia Hu, public health physician and family doctor at the BC Centre for DIsease Control as they discuss the critical need to increase pneumococcal vaccination rates among older adults in Canada. This webinar will provide insights into the current pneumococcal vaccine landscape, discuss the role of healthcare providers in improving vaccination rates, and explore policy recommendations to close the gap in preventive care for older Canadians.

Evolving Veterans' Care: Addressing the Complex Health Needs of a New Generation

As Canada’s Veteran population ages, their needs are evolving. While many Canadians still picture Veterans of the two World Wars on Remembrance Day, today’s Veterans represent a vastly different demographic. Of Canada's nearly 500,000 Veterans, nearly 66% are aged 55 or older, and almost all of these Veterans are those with service after World War II or the Korean War. Veterans from post-1954 conflicts, peacekeeping missions, and domestic operations face unique health challenges, including higher rates of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, and physical limitations.

Join us for an insightful discussion led by experts Dr. Samir Sinha (Director of Health Policy Research of the NIA), Dr. Madison Brydges, (Health Policy Researcher of the NIA), Dr. Kim Ritchie (Assistant Professor, Trent/Fleming School of Nursing), Dr. John Muscedere (Scientific Director of the Canadian Frailty Network), and Dr. David Pedlar (Scientific Director of the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research) as they explore the findings of their new report, Addressing the Coming of Age and its Related Complexities Among Canada’s Veterans. This webinar will examine how the health and care needs of Veterans are changing and what must be done to better support them as they age.

Vaccines for Older Canadians: An Update on What Everyone Needs to Know to Enable Healthy Ageing

As the colder months approach, staying up to date with the latest vaccines is one of the best ways to protect older adults from serious illnesses. This fall and winter, vaccines for Seasonal Influenza, RSV, COVID-19, Pneumococcal Disease, and Shingles are especially critical, alongside routine vaccinations like Diphtheria and Tetanus. However, knowing which vaccines are recommended and how to access them can be challenging due to variations in coverage and availability.

This webinar will feature leading experts, Dr. Samir Sinha (Director of Health Policy Research at the National Institute on Ageing) and Dr. Vivien Brown (Family Physician and Author), Together, they will discuss the most recent updates on vaccines and share advice on how to navigate the 2024-2025 cold and flu season.

Learn what vaccines can help enable healthy and independent ageing and how you can make informed decisions to protect yourself or your loved ones this season and beyond.

Les nouveaux vaccins contre le VRS pour les personnes âgées : Ce que doivent savoir les adultes de plus de 60 ans et leurs prestataires de soins

Le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS) est l’un des principaux virus qui touchent la santé et le bien-être des Canadiens. Même si la plupart des enfants ont contracté leur première infection au VRS à l’âge de deux ans, les adultes de plus de 65 ans subissent plus de complications, cette tranche d’âges présentant le plus haut taux de mortalité imputable aux infections par le VRS.

Le premier d’une nouvelle série de vaccins contre le VRS a récemment été approuvé pour la première fois au Canada, mais il reste beaucoup à faire pour le promouvoir et favoriser un meilleur accès aux vaccins chez les Canadiens âgés.

Rejoignez-nous pour une discussion d’experts avec M. Simon Lessard, Dr en pharmacie, MBA, CRE, CTE, FOPQ, pharmacien propriétaire, le Dr Alex Carignan, Dr en médecine, Msc, médecin microbiologiste-infectiologue, CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS et professeur titulaire, faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université de Sherbrooke et présentée par le Dr Samir Sinha, MD, DPhil, FRCPC, FCAHS, gériatricien et professeur de médecine, Université de Toronto et directeur de la recherche en politiques de santé au NIA. Cette discussion permettra de communiquer des renseignements à jour sur l’impact conséquent que les infections au VRS peuvent avoir sur la santé et le bien-être des personnes âgées et sur ce que vous devez savoir au sujet des nouveaux vaccins contre le VRS qui sont désormais accessibles aux Canadiens de plus de 60 ans.


Vaccines for Older Canadians: An Update on What Everyone Needs to Know to Enable Healthy Ageing

The NIA hosted a webinar on the topic of vaccines for older adults featuring with Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at NIA; Dr. Vivien Brown, Family Physician and Author; and Dr. Allison McGeer, Microbiologist and Infectious Disease Consultant at Mount Sinai Hospital that will examine what this year’s cold and flu season is looking like now and advise on what are the latest vaccines that are currently recommended to protect older adults this cold and flu season and beyond.

One of the best defences against serious illness in older adults this fall and winter is getting vaccinated against Seasonal Influenza, RSV, COVID-19, Pneumococcal Disease and Shingles while also ensuring that one is staying up to date with their other routine recommended vaccines like Diphtheria and Tetanus. Navigating which vaccines to get and when can be challenging, especially when coverage and where one can get them can vary. The past year has seen the arrival of both new and updated vaccines to prevent Seasonal Influenza, RSV, COVID-19 and Pneumococcal Disease.  While the Canadian vaccine landscape is fragmented — knowing what vaccines can help support healthy and independent ageing, can help older adults and their families make better informed choices. Watch the session recording.



The New RSV Vaccines for Older Adults: What Adults Over 60 and their Care Providers Need to Know

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the main respiratory viruses that impacts the health and well-being of Canadians. Even though most children will have experienced their first RSV infection by the age of two, adults 65 years and older experience more complications, with this age group having the highest mortality rate attributable to RSV infections.

The first of a new series of RSV vaccines has recently been approved for the first time in Canada, however, a lot more work needs to be done to promote and support improved access to vaccines among older Canadians.

Dr. Samir Sinha, Geriatrician and Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto and Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA, Dr. Marla Shapiro, Professor of Family Medicine, University of Toronto and Dr. Zain Chagla, Associate Professor of Medicine McMaster University and Infectious Diseases Consultant that shares updated information on the significant impact RSV infections can have on the health and wellbeing of older adults and what you need to know about the new RSV vaccines that are now available for Canadians 60 years and older. Watch the session recording.


Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Why Canada Needs to Urgently Address the Older and Invisible Faces of its Opioid Crisis

Over the past decade, the opioid crisis in Canada has become a major and growing public health emergency, however, older Canadians in this crisis have been largely left out of the discussion. This webinar, featuring co-authors of the NIA's report, Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research and Matthew Downer, NIA Associate Policy Analyst, alongside Moira Welsh, Investigative Reporter at the Toronto Star, and Marilyn White Campbell, Geriatric Addiction Specialist at Baycrest, will discuss why older Canadians are a group that require particular attention in order to better address the opioid crisis in Canada. Watch the session recording.


The Influence of Later-Life Financial Security on Ageing Well: Supporting healthy outcomes in retirement

More Canadians than ever are approaching traditional retirement ages in the coming years. However, without an adequate, stable and secure income in later life, many of them may not be able to Age in the Right Place in good health and well-being.

A new report from the National Institute on Ageing, completed with support from OMERS, sheds light on this critical issue and offers recommendations for how we can address it.

An expert discussion with Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at NIA and Celine Chiovitti, Executive Vice President & Head of Pensions for OMERS that delves into this report and shares key considerations and strategies on a topic that requires our attention as record numbers of Canadians are living longer. Watch the session recording.

The Longevity Forum: Leveraging the Longevity Dividend

June 14, 2023
In-person & virtual event
Keynote: The Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson, 26th Governor General of Canada and Honorary Chair of the Advisory Board to the NIA

The Future of Worth brought together a multi-disciplinary group of local and global thinkers, influencers, and decision-makers to explore the many opportunities that greater longevity offers to employers, governments, learning institutions, and society at large. They examined what all of us can do to live longer, happier and healthier lives. 


Reflecting on and Preparing for the 2022-2023 Respiratory Season: Influenza, Pneumonia & COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted important discussions about the critical role vaccines play in individual and community health. There continues to be a significant gap, however, both in public knowledge and in immunization rates for other vaccine-preventable respiratory diseases such as influenza and pneumonia. In the midst of influenza season, this topic could not be of higher importance.

Learn from leading experts Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research, National Institute on Ageing; and Dr. Vivien Brown, Family Physician and Author; on the health implications of influenza, pneumonia and COVID-19 for older adults, effective prevention measures, and evidence-informed policy recommendations and practice approaches. Attendees will have a chance to ask the experts their questions live on the webinar.


Webinar - The Overlooked Issue of Shingles Infections in Older Canadians & How to Address It!

Despite potentially serious health outcomes, shingles remains an overlooked issue in Canada, particularly for older adults. Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommends that all adults aged 50 years and older be offered the recombinant zoster vaccine to provide protection against shingles, unless there are contraindications. Despite this recommendation, only 27% of Canadians in this age cohort reported having received a shingles vaccine, with rates varying considerably across Canada’s provinces and territories.

Learn from leading experts Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research, National Institute on Ageing; Dr. Vivien Brown, Family Physician and Author; and Dr. Allison McGeer, Microbiologist and Infectious Disease Consultant at Mount Sinai Hospital, on the health implications of shingles for older adults, effective prevention measures, and evidence-informed policy recommendations and practice approaches. 


Webinar: Practical Technologies that can Enable Ageing in Place

Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Geriatrics at Sinai Health and UHN and Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA, presents on "Practical Technologies that can Enable Ageing in Place". The webinar provides health care professionals a better understanding of:

1. The risks and impacts of at-home medical emergencies

2. Why older Canadians want to age in place, now more than ever before

3. Practical technologies that can enable ageing in place

The Walrus - Pharmacare: Rethinking the current state of prescription drug coverage in Canada

The Walrus Talks at Home: Pharmacare brought together four experts (Dr. Samir Sinha, Dr. Steve Morgan, Dr. Durhane Wong-Rieger, and Linda Silas) to share their insights on our current system’s challenges and discuss what could be possible. Join us to learn more about how dignity, security, and well-being can be front and centre in this vital health conversation.

NIA & GRI - An Introduction to Dynamic Pension Pools: A New Chapter for Pension Income in Canada

Financial security in retirement is a growing concern for many Canadians, with a recent National Institute on Ageing survey showing that 77% of older adults are worried about their financial well-being. With retirement expected to last several decades for many—combined with unpredictable financial markets and changing personal circumstances—older Canadians face a tremendous challenge in turning accumulated savings into income that will last the rest of their lives. An emerging solution, called Dynamic Pension pools, could give Canadians access to affordable retirement income for life.

NIA & Sinai Health - Practical Technologies that Can Enable Ageing in Place

Older Canadians want to maintain their independence as they age and the majority also want to live at home for a long as possible. On November 16, Dr. Samir Sinha presented the November Sinai Health/UHN Healthy Ageing 101 Webinar on “Practical Technologies that can Enable Ageing in Place”.

Ryerson University—Generous Futures: Addressing Ageism

How does Canadian society discriminate against individuals based on their age? How can we ensure that seniors are given the respect, dignity and agency they are entitled to? What role does philanthropy play in better supporting our ageing populations? Learn more in this discussion moderated by the NIA's Executive Director Michael Nicin, featuring speakers including Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research, and Mitch Frazer, NIA Founder.

Empire Club—Ageing At Home: Is It An Affordable Option?

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have caused many Canadians to re-think where they want to age, with 91% now reporting they plan to remain in their own homes for as long as possible.

Despite this overwhelming preference to age in place, many older adults are financially unprepared for a safe and comfortable retirement at home. Learn more about strategies and programs that Canadians can use today to better secure their retirement and necessary public policy reform. Moderated by Journalist Peter Mansbridge, panelists included NIA Director of Health Policy Research Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Financial Security Research Dr. Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald and CEO of CanAge Laura Tamblyn Watts.


AGE-WELL - AgeTech Innovation Week

AgeTech Innovation Week is a unique virtual event for anyone with an interest in technology-based solutions that support older adults and caregivers. Hosted by AGE-WELL, the week featured curated public panels, workshops, networking opportunities and catalytic conversations that connect people and create change.

NIA's Director of Health Policy Research, Dr. Samir Sinha participated in a panel on "Transforming Long-Term Care" alongside Andre Picard, Dr. Alex Mihailidis, and others!

RTOERO - Practical Ways to Address the Growing Epidemic of Loneliness & Isolation in Older Adults

Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research discussed the differences between loneliness and social isolation, how common it is in older Canadians as well as the health consequences.


Iceland Health Congress on a Vision for Health Care for the Elderly

The Icelandic Ministry of Health invited Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research, to present on "Enabling Improved Patient, Provider and System Outcomes through an Advanced Care for Elders (ACE) Strategy" as part of its fourth health congress. The objective is to strengthen the foundations of the health system and strengthen health services for Icelanders.


Dalhousie University - Panel Discussion: Long-Term Care and the Canada Health Act: The Unfinished Chapter?

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed long-standing deficiencies and challenges in the delivery of long-term care in Canada. Many stakeholders are calling for national standards, but there are questions about the best approach. Should we amend the Canada Health Act to include LTC or develop new legislation? Chronic staffing challenges will also need to be addressed, such as equitable and permanent pay and benefits for care aides, mental health supports for all staff; and improved and required data collection. A coordinated approach between Federal and Provincial/Territorial Governments will be necessary. NIA's Director of Health Policy Research, Samir Sinha participated in this talk, as a panelist.


The Future of Elder Care in Canada

Dr. Samir Sinha joined Globe and Mail health columnist André Picard and CarePartners CEO Linda Knight for a conversation about systemic gaps in systems of care for older adults in Canada and the kinds of reforms needed to meet the needs and opportunities of an ageing population. This talk was hosted by The Empire Club.


Spotlight on Healthy Ageing:

Even 4 Hours a Day Won’t Cut It — Why Transforming Long-Term Care Needs to Start with Empathy

Join us for the first webinar in the NIA’s new series — Spotlight on Healthy Ageing — with NIA Director of Health Policy Research Dr. Samir Sinha and Toronto Star Investigative Reporter Moira Welsh, in conversation about long-term care.

The discussion will explore important themes in Welsh’s book, Happily Ever Older, including international examples of excellence in long-term care, models that have yielded positive results, strategies for addressing loneliness, the importance of inclusion and the concept of ‘potential’—the idea that we can constantly thrive and improve no matter what our age or ability, and the right environment can help us to do so.

When: June 28, 2021 at 12:00 pm

Webinar registrants will receive 25% off Moira Welsh's book and three lucky webinar attendees will win a free copy!


Living Longer, Living Well: Expert Advice to Enable Healthy Aging

Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research, gave a talk about living longer and living well, as part of the Medical Mondays series hosted by Ryerson University’s Chang School of Continuing Education and the LIFE Institute, this free online event offered evidence-based strategies and ideas for healthy ageing.


Diversity and ageing: honouring our identities

Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research, Leanne Kaufman, President and CEO of RBC Royal Trust, and Darren Lund from Miller Thomson LLP discussed diversity, ageing and the importance of honouring our identities. What challenges might we face as we age while striving to maintain our individuality?

“It strikes me how different societies and communities value ageing more than others. We need to be able to provide culturally safe & culturally competent care so that people can be themselves,” NIA Director of Health Policy Research, Dr. Samir Sinha.

Learn more.


Geriatrics Institute Education Day

The Geriatrics Institute Education Day is a continuing education program delivered in partnership with a variety of healthcare partners across the GTA. This year’s session will be hosted virtually on Thursday June 24th, 2021. The Back to the Future theme will guide presentations, discussions and networking activities to build on participants’ shared experience of providing or receiving healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ Older Adults in Ageing and Old Age

As today’s 2SLGBTQIA+ older adults are some of the first to live openly with diverse sexual and/or gender identities, we are only just beginning to understand the influence that growing numbers of 2SLGBTIA+ older adults will have on understandings of ageing and support; and vice versa. This webinar will highlight some of the triumphs and challenges presented by the interconnections of ageing and 2SLGBTQIA+ identities. By working to increase our understandings of the diversity that exists within experiences of ageing and support, we will open up opportunities to not only better support 2SLGBTQIA+ older adults but enhance the lives of Canadians as they age.

When: June 9, 2021 at 2:00 pm

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Sinai/University Health Network Medical Grand Rounds

Dr. Nathan Stall, Associate Fellow at the NIA delivered the 2021 Ben & Hilda Katz Lecture in Geriatrics which is took place on Wednesday May 26th from 12 - 1:00 PM EST.



Webinar — A Roadmap to Long-term Care Reform in Canada

The institute for Research on Public Policy held an in-depth discussion on how, once the pandemic subsides, federal, provincial and territorial governments should address the long-standing problems plaguing the long-term care system. Our guests were André Picard, Samir Sinha, and Tamara Daly, and the event was moderated by IRPP VP Research France St-Hilaire.

This was the first of a series of IRPP webinars examining policy options and priorities for Canada’s governments to keep long-term care reform near the top of their post-pandemic agenda.



Webinar: Collective Impact and Integrating Care – Creating a Compassionate North York

This webinar was presented by the RTOERO Foundation featuring expert, Ivy Wong on April 7, 2021. Learn how integrated #healthcare​ can improve outcomes, experience, and efficiency of our health system. 'Collective Impact' models have emerged in other sectors tackling complex social​ challenges like child poverty & homelessness.

This webinar​ addresses the growing health​ and social challenges of serving our very diverse seniors​ population through a post-COVID reality, with a collective impact approach as a case in North York. Ivy Wong is Sr. Lead, OHT and System Integration for North York Toronto Health Partners (an Ontario Health Team) based at North York General Hospital in Toronto. Ivy is also an Advisor to the National Institute on Ageing at Ryerson University. Ivy spent several years as a senior civil servant in the UK, including at Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, and the NHS in England. Ivy holds a Master of Public Administration from the London School of Economics, a Master of Public Affairs from L’Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) and a BA from the University of Pennsylvania.

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Reimagining Aging and Restoring Trust in the Wake of COVID-19

Watch the March 22, 2021, DLSPH special online event Reimagining Aging and Restoring Trust in the Wake of COVID-19, brought to you by the Boehm Lectures on Public Health and Healthcare and in collaboration with the Institute for Pandemics. Watch the panel discuss topics and themes that are focused on aging and health, the standards and models of care as we age, healthcare worker burnout, the roles of families and caregivers, and many other issues and failures faced through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moderated by: André Picard, Author, Health Reporter and Columnist, The Globe and Mail

Featured Panelists:

  • Dr. Nathan Stall, MD, Geriatrics and Internal Medicine, Sinai Health, PhD candidate, Clinical Epidemiology, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation

  • Lisa Levin, CEO, AdvantAge Ontario

  • Dr. Samir Sinha, MD, PhD, Director of Geriatrics, Sinai Health, Associate Professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation and Temerty Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto.

  • Donna Duncan, CEO, Ontario Long-Term Care Association

  • David Grabowski, Professor of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School

Your cognitive health: Symptoms, safeguards, and support

This educational discussion, featuring NIA Director of Health Policy Research, Dr. Samir Sinha, focuses on understanding the various aspects of cognitive health, the impact it has on an individual and their caregiver, and how to protect oneself.

This event video is part of a series produced between The National Institute on Ageing, at Ryerson University and RBC Wealth Management Royal Trust. This strategic partnership is focused on educating and empowering older Canadians to achieve and sustain the lifestyle they wish through their retirement and later years.

Green Party Townhall Discussion on Long-Term Care

Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Health Policy Research at the NIA joined Green Party of Canada leader Annamie Paul, and Green MP Paul Manly (Nanaimo–Ladysmith, B.C.) for a virtual townhall discussion about the situation in long-term care facilities across Canada amid the COVID-19 pandemic.





Staying Healthy, Staying Safe: Why We Need to Take the Flu Seriously During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Watch the NIA's town hall webinar with expert panelists - Dr. Samir Sinha and Dr. Allison McGeer, moderated by NIA executive director, Michael Nicin -answer your questions about:

• Flu Season during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

• Tips and info on staying safe and healthy

• How the Flu and COVID-19 impact older people



COVID-19 and the Future of Long-Term Care

On November 23rd from 9:00am - 10:30am, First Policy Response convened a panel of experts and practitioners to discuss these important questions. We were be joined by:

  • André Picard, Health Columnist, The Globe and Mail (Moderator)

  • Pat Armstrong, Distinguished Research Professor at York University

  • Sharon Nwamadi, Registered Nurse, Hamilton Health Sciences; Policy & Political Action Executive Network Officer - Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO) - Hamilton Chapter

  • Dr. Samir Sinha, Director of Geriatrics at Sinai Health System and the University Health Network; Director of Health Policy Research at Ryerson University’s National Institute on Ageing

This event was hosted in partnership with The National Institute on Ageing at Ryerson University.

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CBC's The National - Confronting COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall

Canadians put their questions about the worsening COVID-19 pandemic to experts, including NIA director of health policy research Dr. Samir Sinha, during an interactive two-hour special, hosted by Adrienne Arsenault and Andrew Chang.


Insights from a Geriatrician on How We Can Better Serve Older Persons in Custody

Dr. Samir Sinha, director of health policy research at the National Institute on Ageing, presented a geriatrics webinar to Correctional Services Canada on December 8, 2020.