National Long-Term Care Services Standard Public Engagement “What We Heard” Reports

On January 31, 2023, Health Standards Organization (HSO) proudly announced the publication of its new National Long-Term Care Services Standard, recognized by the Standards Council of Canada as its latest National Standard of Canada.

The NIA was proud to support the development of the Standard by conducting dozens of evidence reviews, analyzing public input and translating it into three What We Heard reports, and having our Director of Health Policy Research serve as chair of the HSO Technical Committee whose new standard will now serves as the basis for Accreditation Canada and Healthcare Excellence Canada’s future work in supporting Canada’s long-term care (LTC) homes.


What We Heard Report #1: Findings from HSO’s Inaugural National Survey on Long-Term Care

October 7, 2021
By: Dr. Ashley Flanagan & Weni Chen

HSO was pleased to receive more than 16,000 responses to their Developing National LTC Services Standards: Your Opinion Matters! Survey. The survey insights helped the LTC Services Technical Committee understand the themes that are important to Canadians when it comes to defining the type of care and services Canadians want to see provided in their long-term care homes.


What We Heard Report #2: Findings from HSO’s National LTC Standard Consultation Workbooks and Town Halls

January 27, 2022
By: Dr. Ashley Flanagan & Weni Chen

HSO was honoured to receive 392 submissions of their Consultation Workbooks from more than 1,800 people, including around 200 residents, and for the opportunity to speak to 179 additional individuals through their Virtual Town Halls. The insights from these consultations with over 1,984 additional voices helped the LTC Services Technical Committee further understand how to achieve high-quality long-term care and built upon the feedback gathered from 16,093 people through their Inaugural National Survey.


What We Heard Report #3: Findings from HSO’s Public Engagement in the Development of a New National Long-Term Care Services Standard

January 31, 2023
By: Dr. Ashley Flanagan & Titus Chan

HSO was pleased to have received over 3,600 comments from 582 individuals and groups on their draft long-term care services standard, and to have spoken with more than 130 people through their second phase of Virtual Town Halls and over 60 LTC residents through our Virtual Visits. The insights from these consultations helped the LTC Services Technical Committee refine the standard.

Do Canadian provinces and territories currently adhere to the National Long-Term Care Services Standard? The NIA, in collaboration with HSO, completed a national review taking stock of the policy and regulatory landscape at the provincial, territorial and federal levels. Its findings, released in a report, conclude that standards of care for services in LTC homes vary widely among Canada’s provinces and territories, underscoring the need for a national benchmark.