2017-2018 NEWS
ipe.com - December 5, 2018
This article recaps Dr. Bonnie-Jeanne Macdonald’s presentation at the 2018 IPE Conference in Dublin, Ireland.
CBC The National - November 21, 2018
Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research, joins a panel on CBC The National to discuss why Canadians aren’t receiving their flu shots and how to increase its uptake.
Financial Post - November 20, 2018
This article reports on the findings of a Financial Planning Foundation paper entitled “The ‘Risk’ of Ignoring Risks in Retirement Financial Planning,” authored by Dr. Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, Richard Morrison and Marvin Avery.
Toronto Star - October 24, 2018
In this article, Dr. Samir Sinha, the National Institute on Ageing’s Director of Health Policy Research, comments on nursing home innovations, such as the Green House Project and Butterfly model of care.
Benefits Canada - October 15, 2018
This article highlights the work of the National Institute on Ageing, alongside the Association of Canadian Pension Management, the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, the Canadian Association of Retired Persons, Common Wealth, and the Pension Investment Association of Canada to recommend the federal government make longevity risk-pooling arrangements available to Canadians.
Ottawa Life - September 25, 2018
This article highlights the findings of the National Institute on Ageing’s report on frailty, We Can’t Address What We Don’t Measure Consistently: Building Consensus on Frailty in Canada
The Ryersonian - September 19, 2018
This article highlights the work of the National Institute on Ageing to support Ryerson University to successfully become Toronto’s first and Canada’s largest age-friendly university.
CTV Your Morning - May 29, 2018
Dr. Samir Sinha joins CTV Your Morning to discuss the latest research in healthy ageing and offers some tips to how individuals can remain healthy as they age.
The Globe and Mail - June 21, 2018
Two years ago, the federal government announced an expansion to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), marking the most significant change in Canada’s three-pillar retirement income system in half a century. But within the framework of Canada’s complex tax and social benefit system, what will the CPP changes mean for Canadian seniors?
CBC News - April 30, 2018
This article highlights research conducted by Dr. Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, the NIA Director of Financial Security Research, into Advanced Life Deferred Annuity.
The Agenda with Steve Paikin - January 18, 2017
Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research, joins Steve Paikin to discuss the state of dementia care in Canada today, and work that is underway to improve it at the provincial and national levels.