CBC Radio One - Dropping vaccine mandates in long-term care homes

"Close to 5000 residents haven't even received a single COVID-19 vaccine dose in in our long-term care homes. We are setting ourselves up for failure, especially if we have a new variant and as community transmission rates grow up while we prematurely relax some of the restrictions that we have in place right now," says Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research.

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The Globe and Mail - Many Ontario long-term care homes keeping vax mandates as province lifts policy

Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research says, "smaller homes may struggle more with maintaining mandatory vaccine policies because they have fewer legal resources to defend them. The biggest concern is not really for the big chains. Ironically, it’s actually for the not-for-profit, smaller, publicly owned operations that don’t feel have the legal wherewithal to stand on their own and to defend against a claim."

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CBC News - A closer look: second anniversary of the global COVID-19 pandemic

"90% of COVID-19 deaths have happened amongst older people. This has exposed the fact that Canada spends far less than the average OECD country in terms of its long-term care home spending. Underspending and underfunding these homes has led to a high percentage of deaths happening in these settings. We haven't fixed the fundamental issues at play. We really need to end this pandemic with some true action that will fix these fundamental issues," says Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research.

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TVO The Agenda - Why culture matters in dementia care

"Culturally safe and appropriate care really comes to the essence of who we are working with. While we might look the same, we all have different lived experiences, and we might have different cultural backgrounds and needs. Everything from the language we use, the food we serve, and the ways in which we interact with someone are ways that we can express what we call culturally safe and appropriate care," says Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director Health Policy Research.

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The News Forum - Exploring better retirement solutions

"People feel more financially insecure than ever before. If you take a step back, it is pretty clear why. Retirement financial security means being able to sustain your standard of living throughout retirement. However, if we look at the Canadian retirement income system, retirees are only really getting $20 000 in pension income and the rest should be coming from private savings but right now 80% of Canadians in the private sector are not even in a workplace pension plan," says Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, NIA Director of Financial Security Research.

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CKLW AM800 The Shift - Getting the shingles vaccine

"Only 29% of people aged 50 and older have received a shingles vaccine. Right now, about 94% of those individuals have gotten vaccinated against COVID, so it is not that older people are reluctant to get vaccinated. It is just that there is a huge lack of awareness that there is a shingles vaccine available and people do not know how to get the vaccine," says Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research.

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Sudbury News - New standard needed to recognize more rights of long-term care residents, geriatrician says

"Most recently, there are roughly 2,000 LTC and retirement homes across Canada experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks," said Dr. Samir Sinha, NIA Director of Health Policy Research.

"This has resulted in an unprecedented number of residents, for example, who have had to be isolated in their own rooms. And we're now facing yet another lockdown in their own homes, another period of prolonged isolation, and we know the devastating impacts that can have," said Sinha.

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